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The WHU’s IGS data center providing download service for global users
发布时间: 2016-06-14 11:37:48

After a test of six months, the IGS Data Center at Wuhan University began to provide full service from June, 2016. The users now can have free access to IGS data and products through either HTTP or FTP.

HTTP: http://igs.gnsswhu.cn 

FTP: ftp://igs.gnsswhu.cn

The IGS Data Center at Wuhan University, authorized by IGS in last December, was constructed and maintained by GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University. It will provide free data service, such as observables of IGS tracking stations, precise orbits and clocks of GNSS satellites, as well as earth rotation parameters, for satellite navigation and positioning users all over the world (mainly for those of Chinese). For a long time, the satellite navigation and positioning users at home had to download IGS data from the foreign data centers, suffering from low speed and low efficiency. Thanks to the newly-built IGS Data Center, the users of China will experience an increase in the downloading speed by 5 or 10 times.